Android Developer
Development of Java code for crypto PRNG Android applications
  Development of Java modules for your Android applications  

        It is interesting to explore non-standard (variable) number systems. Not hexadecimal, but much larger and changing when processing one message.
        In this case, redundant sections of bits will appear that do not contain meaningful information. Such areas can be filled with fake information to correct entropy.
        Read more about other interesting methods

        Android Developer
        Android Developer
  JAVA PROJECT WebCam >>  
Complete Android JAVA application project PhotoWebCam - Photo by the Registrar. Compiles, installs and runs on Android 10 and 11. This is done because used smartphones are much cheaper and you don’t mind leaving them as a Web Camera
A decent base platform for your own developments. Full functionality. The Apache FTP Client library is already included in the project
  JAVA PROJECT TrackerGPS >>  
Complete Android JAVA application project BGndTGramTracker - A tracker that determines coordinates using GPS or Base Stations and sends them to an SMS or Telegram channel. The project is fully functional, compiled and installed The project can be an attractive basis for your resume, your own developments or for a course project. The ZIP archive contains a description - README.pdf and all the files
Complete Android JAVA application project AudioREG - actually a voice recorder with an FTP client. Uploads records (your alibi) to your web server. The project is fully compiled and installed An excellent basic project for your own development, for your resume or course project. The Apache FTP Client library is included in the project. ZIP archive contains description - README.pdf
Photo Registrar >>
Languages Flashcards >>
Training neural networks >>
Android Developer >>
         Picture Gallery >>  
Android Developer >>

Android Developer


Android Open Source Java Project and Classes. README.pdf Python Programmer
RSA and AES encryption